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Legend of the Five Ring Kotei - Italy

O evento terminou

Legend of the Five Ring Kotei - Italy

De EUR 35.00



jun 16 2018 12:48 - jun 17 2018 14:48



Bologna will play host to a Kotei for the new Legend of the Five Rings LCG!

The structure of this event allows players to play 2 full days of Legend of the Five rings, regardless of their ability. All are welcome to compete and join the wonderful community of L5R players.l

Information about the format and prizes can be found at the link below:

Registration will open at 8am and close at 9.30am. the plan will be to start round 1 at 10am. A Lunch break is planned after round 4. There will be 7 rounds in total on day 1.

There will be a skirmish side event that runs alongside rounds 5-7 of the main event on Saturday. There will also be a proving grounds side event on the Sunday to run alongside the elimination rounds.

Ticket: €35

This will allow you to play on the Saturday day 1, as well as all side events on both days.

Any questions, please contact either Alex Watkins or AsmOPlay Italia (

Event terms and conditions:

The event organiser may contact you about this event. Your contact email address provided to the event organiser by Billetto will only be used to contact you about things specifically related to this event and will not be used for anything further. This data will be destroyed 30 days after the event.
You will be asked for the name of each ticket holder after purchase. This is optional. It is meant to allow a smoother registration process for the event.

You may contact the event organiser at any time if you have any concerns about what data Billetto has provided and what it will be used for.

We will never pass on your data to any other company, nor share it with anyone not involved in the running of this event and then only done so with the purpose of running this event.

Hotel Castello will take care of all the bookings in the nearby hotels. Please send an email to with subject "Prenotazione Asmodee - Giugno" with your data, how long you will stay and how many meals you will reserve.
--- 4* ACCOMODATION [# of person/price per room per night]: 1/54€, 2/59€, 3/84€, 4/99€ (breakfast included, city tax not included)
--- 3* ACCOMODATION [# of person/price per room per night]: 1/44€, 2/52€, 3/75€, 4/89€ (breakfast included, city tax not included)
--- MEALS: Pizza 12€, Sausages&Potatoes 12€, First course + Side dish 11€ (everything with drink and coffee included), otherwise 10% discount on à la carte menu.

PLEASE NOTE: Lunch time will be tight during tournaments, so we suggest to reserve your meals just for dinner. There will be a fast full-time bar with sandwiches throughout the duration of the tournament!



Centro Congressi Artemide c/o Hotel Castello Centro Congressi Artemide c/o Hotel Castello, Viale delle Terme 1010/b, 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna


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