Trick or Treat in the Park
Trick or Treat in the Park
Da EUR 5,00
International Women's Club of Torino invites you and your friends to super fun and special Sunday morning in the park. Trick or treating from ages 0-12. We want everyone to be able to participate! Bring your friends and family! There will be candy, decorations, costumes and balloons. All in the spirit of family friendly fun. Costumes are greatly appreciated and encouraged both from adults and children.
Practical Info:
•Time: Sunday October 20 10:30 to 12:00 Please be on time
• Place: Parco Reale: Royal Palace of Turin, Piazzetta Reale 1, 10122 Torino
•Meet up: By the fountain immediately after the inner courtyard
•Tickets: First child 7 €, sibling discount 5 €,
IWTC Members: First child 4 €, sibling discount 3 € (the password for the discount is in the event calendar of IWCT)
You have to buy your tickets in advance, there will be no tickets sold at the time of the event.
•What to bring:
-Your tickets, on your phone or printed
-one bag of candy containing at least 20 pieces of INDIVIDUALLY wrapped candy PER CHILD that is participating.

Note: We do not allow masks that cover the entire face, and parents stay with their children for the duration of the event
We will have stands spread out through the park, where the kids can trick or treat from our friendly volunteers:) Kids will be allowed to receive candy only if they have the special event bag to put the candy in regardless of costumes. Bags will be given at the entrance to those who have bought tickets.
IN THE EVENT OF RAIN: we will be under the arcade in the courtyard of the castle (gli portici)
hope to see you all there!
Trick or Treat!
Luogo dell'evento
Giardini Reali Superiors, Musei Reali di Torino, 10124 Torino
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Trick or Treat in the Park
Da EUR 5,00