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    Da EUR 75,00



    Mar 08 2019 20:00 - 22:30
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più
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    The music band «Ruki Vverh!» first got noticed in 1995. The band became prominent with the young audience thanks to its hits «Baby» and «Student». Growing rapidly, the band released its first album «Breath Steady!» (1997), hitting the top charts. The youth of the 90s still remembers the best and the most famous tracks «My Little Baby», «Not Your Lips» and many others. The romantic song «Dreaming of You, Only» still captures the hearts of the lovers with its beautiful composition.

    The band consists of key artists Sergey Zhukov and Aleksey Potehin. Just in a couple of years the popular band received a huge number of music awards. Among these are gold, platinum and silver discs, the awards for a significant contribution to the Russian show business, «The Golden Gramophone» award, «The Song of the Year» award, «the MUZ-TV Award» and many others.

    The creativity of the « Ruki Vverh!» allowed them to produce new hit albums and tour across Russia and the world. Many could envy such diligence of Sergey and Alexey and their popularity accordingly: once on a stage, they made the audience go wild. Their songs make you dance all night long; the lyrics of some compositions make you sentimental.

    In 2005 the band released the album «Fuckin’ Rock’n’Roll». That was the last release of the old popular line up. From 2006 onwards, the band was touring with Sergey Zhukov and ballet show team Street Jazz. In April 2018 the Olympic Stadium in Moscow hosted two anniversary concerts « Ruki Vverh! The Best of 20 Years!» which brought together more than 60,000 fans.

    After many years on stage, the band « Ruki Vverh!» successfully continues performing and spreading good vibes and dancing fever not only among devoted fans of the 90s but also among the modern youth. Its hits are well known and celebrated by many people regardless of age or social status. Their popular compositions are much loved nationally and abroad.


    Luogo dell'evento

    Wiener Stadthalle, Roland-Rainer-Platz 1, 1150 Wien


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