KeyForge Vault Tour 2019 - Italy
KeyForge Vault Tour 2019 - Italy
Da EUR 35,00
We’re excited to announce the Italian KeyForge Vault Tour in Bologna!
For information about the Vault Tour series including any announcements for prizes, please visit
For tournament regulation, formats, variants and more, please visit English FFG website (, AsmOPlay Italia website ( or the Master Vault (
Main Event Ticket € 35. This will gain you entry to all main and side events (extra cost for Sealed side events):
Friday – Side Events
On Friday we will be running side events starting from 13:00, a side event schedule will be released before the event.
Saturday – Main Event + Side Events
Registration for the main event opens at 8am on Saturday morning and closes at 09:30 sharp.
Sunday – Main Event + Side Events
Players that advanced to the top cut will need to be at the venue for registration at 09:00
Format: Archon
Variant: Solo
KeyForge Vault Tour will run Swiss rounds that will cut to a single elimination bracket top cut. The top cut will take place on Sunday. All main event rounds will be best of 1 expect the final which will be best of 3.
Players must remember to bring their Deck with ID card alongside the QR code from their Mastervault App. We strongly recommend taking a screenshot of your player QR code in the case that you do not have mobile internet at the convention hall.
Decks played in the Vault Tour will be awarded power levels:
- Power Level 3 for Participation
- Power Level 5 for Top 16 (Day 2 only)
- Power Level 6 for Top 4 (Day 2 only)
- Power Level 7 for Finalists
- Power Level 8 for Champion
Side events will run each day. Players will need to come to the side event/prize wall in order to register. Arriving at the prize wall before the given time is best as it means to will have a better chance of finding other players to join a pod with.
A side event schedule will be released before the event.
All Archon side events are free to enter with a purchase of a main event ticket however for all sealed side events you will need a main event ticket and in addition you will be charged for stock.
The Vault Tour offers you the chance to redeem your Æmbershards for any of the KeyForge-themed prizes from the Prize Wall, and you'll find prizes that are entirely unique to each stop along the Tour.
For a look at the Prize Wall options revealed thus far, head over to the Organized Play section of the Master Vault and visit the Prize Gallery!
The champion of the main event will receive a travel award to a Vault Tour of their choice. Plus, prizes for the events will be given in Æmbershards as follow:
Main event gets you…
- 30 for participation
- 15 per win
- Top 32 (Day 2 only) 50
- Top 16 (Day 2 only) 75
- Top 8 (Day 2 only) 100
- Top 4 (Day 2 only) 150
- Finalists 300
- Champion 500
Archon/Sealed Pod Events get you…
- 2 for participation
- 5 per win
(This will give you a maximum Æmber per pod of 17!)
Scheduled side events get you…
- 3 for participation
- 5 if you end up 1-3
- 10 if you end up 2-2
- 20 if you end up 3-1
- 40 if you end up 4-0
(This will give you a maximum Æmber of 43!)
For the main event Æmber is added to your account at the end of each tournament day (approximately 30 minutes after the last round concludes as we'll need to wait for the last games to finish, enter results and upload etc…). For the side events, Æmber is added to your account right after the conclusion of the event.
- Spectators are allowed to attend the event, there is no charge for this. We simply ask that they do not disturb any of the events we are running 😊
- This is a premier level event, you must have opaque sleeves
- No chains will be awarded at Vault Tour events, and chains earned at Chainbound events DO NOT count at a Vault Tour.
Recommended Airports: Bologna airport (BLQ, Guglielmo Marconi) For cheap flights check:
The tournament venue is a hotel and conference complex in the small town of Castel San Pietro Terme, about 15 km out of downtown Bologna. It is easily reachable by: car (parking is free). You can also take a bus (45min) or a train from Bologna Centrale station (20min + 10min walking) till Castel San Pietro Terme. If needed, there’s a people mover from the airport every few minutes wich will bring you to the train station in less than 10 minutes.
Hotel Castello will take care of all the bookings in the nearby hotels. Please send an email to with subject "Prenotazione Asmodee - KeyForge" with your data and how long you will stay.
--- 4* ACCOMODATION [# of person/price per room per night]: 1/54€, 2/59€, 3/84€, 4/99€ (breakfast included, city tax not included)
--- 4* COMFORT ACCOMODATION [# of person/price per room per night]: 1/59€, 2/64€, 3/94€, 4/109€ (breakfast included, city tax not included)
PLEASE NOTE: Lunch time will be tight during tournaments, so we suggest finding a nearby restaurant (there is plenty of them!) just for dinner. There will be a fast full-time bar with sandwiches throughout the duration of the tournament!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact FFG Organized Play Europe or AsmoPlay Italia pages or ask in the Facebook event.
Luogo dell'evento
Hotel Castello Centro Congressi Artemide, Viale delle Terme, 1010/b, 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna)
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L'approvazione dei rimborsi è a sola discrezione dell'organizzatore, e dovresti metterti in contatto con l'organizzatore dell'evento per discutere le opzioni a tua disposizione. Per contattare l'organizzatore dell'evento, non devi far altro che rispondere alll'email di conferma del tuo ordine oppure utilizzare il modulo "Contatta l'organizzatore" sul profilo dell'organizzatore. Per ulteriore assistenza, leggi qui.
Mi sono registrato sulla lista d'attesa, e adesso?
Se vengono resi disponibili altri biglietti, riceverai una notifica (tramite email) assieme agli altri iscritti alla lista. L'acquisto avviene in base all'ordine delle richieste effettuate. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi qui.
Dove trovo un link a un evento online?
Controlla la pagina di conferma o l'email di conferma del tuo ordine. Solitamente, l'organizzatore dell'evento fornisce i dettagli nell'email di conferma dell'ordine, oppure in un'email successiva contenente un link all'evento online. Puoi anche leggere la descrizione dell'evento su Billetto, dove l'organizzatore dell'evento dovrebbe descrivere le modalità per accedere all'evento online. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi qui.
Cos'è la Protezione Rimborso e perché dovrebbe servirmi?
La Protezione Rimborso ti fornisce la garanzia che, laddove circostanze imprevedibili e inevitabili interferiscano con la tua possibilità di partecipare a un evento, potrai richiedere un rimborso. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi qui.
KeyForge Vault Tour 2019 - Italy
Da EUR 35,00