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Casanova Grand Ball

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Casanova Grand Ball

Ab 150,00 EUR



13. Februar 2021, 20:00 Uhr - 14. Februar 2021, 02:45 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Why choose this experience?


To join one of the most exciting parties of the Venice Carnival, this year in its 8th edition


Because of the evening's program, with served dinner, live music, shows, and entertainment ... and then a finale with DJ music mix until late at night


Because you will feel like the rich aristocrats of the Serenissima Republic, who during the carnival, indulged in unrestrained fun disguised behind the anonymity of masks and costumes!


Are you ready to experience an all-new adventure? Saturday 13rd February 2021 one of the most anticipated parties of the Venetian carnival awaits you at Ca 'Zeno... Casanova Grand Ball! 

A long-standing event in the program of the Venice Carnival, Casanova Grand Ball is now in its 8th edition. During the 2021 carnival, complicity, passion, forbidden pleasure and above all the focus of the event will be the secret love that is one of the most powerful tools of attraction of course of our Casanova once again will be fascinated from the several scen2t of women.

 On the last Saturday of Carnival get ready for a trip that promises to be magical, mysterious and exciting: ‘Scent of a Woman’ will give you the chance to enjoy an unforgettable evening!

A party to re-experience the emotions, the excesses and the practices of the carnivals of the past in the elegant setting of a historic Venetian palace ... Entertainment, masks, gala dinner and DJ music mix until late at night ... This is the event you can not miss


  • From 8.00 pm welcome aperitif in the splendid palace court, with the accompaniment of performances and live entertainment

  • Dinner in the main hall ***of the building brightened up by shows and live music

  • From 11.30 pm DJ music mix, open bar, carnival desserts, and dancing until late at night

 *** for the one who purchased the main hall ticket.

Located in the San Polo district, near the Basilica dei Frari, Palazzo Zen is a magnificent example of a fifteenth-century Venetian noble residence.

Casanova Grand Ball is linked every year by a different theme, always inspired by the figure of Giacomo Casanova ... A traveler, poet, biographer, and man of questionable ethics, Casanova also had a stint in the military and advocacy carers, but never relinquished his passion for gambling! In the collective imagination, however, he is remembered above all as an implacable seducer and don Giovanni ... In fact, love was the nectar of his life, the dream he constantly aspired to. Casanova had many lovers who wholeheartedly returned his romances... Who better than him then could accompany you in this fascinating adventure? 

Saturday, February 13 rd, 2021, in the beautiful location of Palazzo Ca’ Zeno, awaits you for an exclusive event awaits you! 

Get your early bird ticket now

Dress code: historical costume is mandatory 

When booking please let us know your allergies or your preference for another menu such as vegan, vegetarian, etc


Since Years Atelier Marega on occasion of the famous Carnival of Venice organizes one of the most beautiful masquerade party of Venice. Casanova Grand Ball Get your ticket now.


Palazzo Zeno - Ca' Zen ai Frari Palazzo Zeno - Ca' Zen ai Frari, Campiello de Ca' Zen, 30125 Venezia


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